About Mazingira Yetu
Mazingira yetu organization is a community based Organization started in 2012 and is registered
with the Ministry of East Africa community, Labour and Social Justice.
Mazingira yetu organization runs three programs: environment education and communication Environment related specialized training ecosystem restoration
Our Vision
To have an informed society on issues related to environment management
Our Mission
To embrace innovation in environment education and training’s and embrace a human centered approach in ecosystem restoration.
Get In Touch

A training on Human centered approach at Ondiri Swamp

Sam Dindi
Co Founder
Sam dindi started Mazingira yetu as a blog while a student in Moi university Chepkoilel which is currently called University of Eldoret. In 2012 he teamed up with Michael Othili started conducting environment education program targeting schools. In July 2020 Sam received the International Union of Conservation Network-Conservation Education
Communication (IUCN-CEC) for his work in educating the public on issues related to environment conservation. In December 2020 he received the Head State Commendation (HSC) from the Government of Kenya for his exemplary service to the nation in the field of environment conservation.
Michael Othili
Co founder
Michael is founder and the program development officer of Mazingira Yetu Organization. He holds a degree in Information Technology and Economics (Kenyatta University) and a Diploma in Aviation engineering (Air frame) from East African School of Aviation.
Michael has been instrumental in the design of the successful Mazingira yetu magazine and coming up with modalities of ensuring the various programs managed by Mazingira Yetu organization are successful implemented.

David Kamau
Ecosytem restoration Director
David Kamau is the Ecosystem restoration Director at Mazingira Yetu Organization. He is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Biology conservation from the University of Nairobi and holds a Bachelors degree in Technology of Applied biology from Technical University of Kenya. David is tasked in developing ecological programs and implementation of the program in each of the project managed by Mazingira yetu organization.